FAQ Inpatient Nursing

Q: How to document intake and output?

A: In flowsheet: access I/O Flowsheet template to enter the intake or output, the system will calculate the balance in the I/O activity (not in the flowsheet)


Q: Do I have to scan the patient wristband barcode for every single medication given at the same time?

A: Scan the patient wristband barcode, and then scan the medications, give the medication and click accept.


Q: where to see the lab status?

A: Chart Review / Lab (it shows: collected, in process, or result)


Q: Do I need to record documentation in every flowsheet row?

A: No, we follow charting by exception, so you only need to document values that are not within the defined limits


Q: How do I save my documentation in Flowsheets?

A: Move to a different flowsheet or activity, or Click File


Q: How do I save my documentation in a navigator section?

A: Click Next to a different navigator section or move to a different activity, or Close the navigator section


Q: Where to document the Pre-Op Pre-Procedure?

A: Workflows/ PreOP-PreProcedure


Q: where to document wound and burns?

A: LDAAvatar


Q: How to refund medications?

A: Return Orders/ Add by Order/ Scan the med/ check details and enter quality/ Click OK/ Click Return Orders


Q: What is the difference between Sign in and assign me?


  • Sign in = creates a relationship with the patients as part of treatment team for specific time, use it at the beginning of your shift, the system will sign you out one hour after the end of your sift. The patients will show on My Patients and on the Brain
  • Assign me = creates a relationship with the patients as part of treatment team, patients will be in My Patients, and will show on the Brain


Article ID: 66352
Thu 12/20/18 11:25 AM
Tue 4/9/19 12:21 PM