FAQ OBGYN Physicians

Q: How to order Observation or NST in the Delivery Suite for OPD patients?

A: OPD OBS Observation
     OPD Fetal Nonstress Test

Q: How to charge inpatients surgeries in OR and Delivery Suite?
A: Use “Post-Op” Navigator / Charge Capture

Q: How to charge for NST and Observation?
A: NST and Observation orders have charges linked to them and they drop these charges once they are ordered.

Q: What is the service of a patient going from L&D to 7 North?
A: Postpartum

Q: What is the order to transfer patient from inpatient unit to L&D?
A: IP Transfer to L&D

Q: Patient Blood Group in not showing in the header?
A: Document Blood Group in the Result Console and not only in the History Section. The header will only populate the Blood group documentation from the Result Console of mother and baby.

Q: How to access the chart of a patient goes on emergency delivery in OR?
A: Patients Lists/ Available Lists/ AUBMC / Units/ MCO Operating Room/ Search for your patient using MRN

Q: Where and how to indicate multiple Births?
A: When placing the admission order, in the Workflows / Triage-Admit / FHR/ Multiple Births (yes)

Q: How to Document Oxytocin for a patient in Labor?
A: Workflows/ Triage-Admit/ Uterine Activity/ Is the patient in active labor (yes)/ Order the oxytocin, close and re-open the patient chart/ look for Labor Progress Navigator / Oxytocin


Article ID: 66355
Thu 12/20/18 11:32 AM
Tue 4/9/19 12:23 PM