Frequently Asked Questions - LimeSurvey

- What is LimeSurvey?

​​​LimeSurvey is an online free and open source survey tool. It allows faculty, staff and students to quickly create online surveys that can work on tens to thousands of participants with little effort. Creating surveys through LimeSurvey is both easy and fun!​​​

- ​Can AUB members use LimeSurvey?

​Yes. AUB members can login using their AUBnet accou​​nt crede​natials 

REMEMBER, however, that according to AUB regulations all surveys involving human participants need IRB approval before proceeding. See details at​x.aspx.​
- Do I need the IRB approval before creating a survey?

​Yes. If you are creating a survey in LimeSurvey to conduct research, please remember to submit the survey for IRB review and approval or for exemption from IRB review and oversight before you collect any survey data, including any pilot data. You can find the forms you need on the IRB forms page. According to AUB regulations all surveys involving human participants need IRB approval before proceeding. For more details check the IRB website.​

- How can I get help in learning how to use LimeSurvey?

​You can start with the Getting Started Guide ​. You can also request a time for a staff from IT ACAD to meet with you for a custom session to help you further.

LimeSurvey Form Request

To contact the IT Academic Services: 
- Can participants from outside AUB take the survey?

Yes. The survey creator can choose to make the survey available for anyone to take, or available only to a defined group of participants.​​​


- How many participants can a survey have?

There is no limitation to the number of participants.

- What is the maximum number of questions that a survey can have?

​There is no limitation to the number of questions, but for statistical reasons it is better to have a maximum of 1000 questions per survey.​

- What types of questions can a survey have?

​​​There are different question types that the survey creator can choose from, divided into 5 main categories:

Arrays, Mask Questions, Multiple Questions, Single choice Questions as lists, Single choice Questions as Text Questions, and Styling Questions. To learn more about these question types, you can read the Question Types​ guides. ​
- Can the results of the survey be anonymous?

Yes. The survey creator has the option to either make the results anonymous or not.​

- Are the survey results private?

Yes. Survey results are private and only the survey creator can see them. But it is optional to make the results public.

- Can LimeSurvey generate statistics for the survey results?

Yes. LimeSurvey will give statistics for the survey results. In addition to that, the survey creator can download the results in formats that are compatible with SPSS.

- How can I get additional information and support?

To get additional information or support, you can refer to the Get​​​ting Started Guide ​​. Also don't hesitate to contact IT ACAD  either by email at or by phone at + 961 1 350 000 extension 3599, 3518


Article ID: 66379
Thu 2/21/19 10:04 AM
Mon 5/13/19 12:09 PM