Get​​​ting Started Guide - LimeSurvey


LimeSurvey is a web application that enables members of the American University of Beirut to create, manage and deploybasic online surveys.

Kindly click on the links below to start creating your survey.

1- Create a new survey  

2- Setup the Text elements  

3- General settings of the survey

4- Presentation navigation   

5- Publication and access control   

6- Notification and data management  

7- Participant settings  

8- Survey structure

9- Questions introduction

10- Question types

11- Overview of Conditions in LimeSurvey

12- Activating a survey

13- Browsing survey results​​

14- Copy an existing survey


- Best Practices using Limesurvey
- Type questions directly or copy the text you have to notepad to clean it up, then copy-paste this text to your survey and format it using the HTML editor.
Copy-pasting text from applications such as Microsoft Word adds code that may affect survey functionality.
- Try to keep the number of conditions to a minimum.
- Try to include the question name/description in the question code (Try not to use Q1, Q2, Q3A … but use FirstName, LastName, Age …)
- If you want to use the same survey, there are two options:
   1- Duplicate the survey using the copy option.
   2- Deactivate the survey and reuse it again.
It is recommended to use option one where the responses are kept and can be accessible later, while in the in the second option all responses will not be accessible anymore with LimeSurvey.
- If you are using tokens, we strongly recommend you verify the output by sending yourself a test email before sending it to a large number of respondents.
After the survey has ended:
- Export the responses in .xls, .csv, .doc or .spss format and store them in a secure location.
- Expire the survey since expiring a survey prevents further responses and maintains the ability to access the results.
On the other hand, deactivating a survey moves the responses offline and makes them unavailable to be accessible from within the tool.


Article ID: 66382
Thu 2/21/19 11:26 AM
Mon 5/13/19 12:40 PM