HPC - High-Performance Computing

Tags HPC

High Performance Computing at AUB aggregates computing power in a way that delivers much higher performance than a typical desktop computer or workstation, hence making it possible to solve complex problems that require intensive computations.

The primary mission of the High Performance Computing (HPC) at AUB is the delivery and support of an HPC resource for use by the American University of Beirut research community.
HPC resources are open to AUB faculty and staff, and faculty-sponsored students, and may be used for class instruction.

The IT team maintains the HPC cluster, manages user accounts and data on HPC, install applications, and provides workflow optimization support.

Learn more by checking these articles

Request Software Installation

Related Articles (5)

How to get an account, run jobs, monitor jobs, ssh, etc.
Rules which govern the sharing of HPC resources at AUB


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