Services (17)


Manage Casar's contacts and mailing lists, and automate the preparation of conferences

ECE Final Year Project

Final Year Project application for Electrical and Computer Engineering students

ECE Graduation Requirements

System to verify that students have completed their academic requirements as per the catalogue

ECE Summer Training

Managing Summer Training for ECE Students

ECE Work Study Application

Used by ECE UG students to apply for student employment

Faculty of Medicine(FM) Clinical Research

Clinical Research Portal at American University of Beirut

Fellowship and Residency Research Program FRRP

The application is used to assess Physicians in training for their research work during their residency/fellowship n the faculty of Medicine.

FHS Health Education Resource Unit (HERU) DB

Database of resources online allowing students to search title, author, and basic keywords

Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering (MSFEA) Course Outcomes

Application used for ABET accreditation of MSFEA

Medical Research Volunteer Program (MRVP)

Medical Research Volunteer Program

Research Application Portal(RAP)

Research Assistant Applications

Residents Information System

Resident Information and various academic functionality

Salesforce - OSB Student Recruitment Cycle

CRM system used to automate and manage communications with prospective students and other members involved in the student recruitment cycle.

Standing Committees Voting System

A platform for faculty elections.

Visiting Residents Information System

Medical Students (non-aub ) to apply to take electives within AUB Hospital

Visiting Students System

Medical Students (non-aub ) to apply to take electives within AUB Hospital