Categories (5)

Services (18)

AUB General Education Requirements

it's a tool that allows AUB students to know if they met their General education requirements

Book Adoption

Used each semester to inform the bookstore about expected books needed for the next semester

Course Syllabi

Online repository to manage to populate the relevant syllabus for each course in AUBsis.

FMIS - Faculty Member Information System

FMIS - Faculty Member Information System is a portal housing faculty members' profiles including general information, publications and processes such as reappointment and appraisal.

Freshman Admissions

Distribution and approval of Freshman applications

Online Academic Pages

Miscellaneous pages for Academic Services

Online Career Services (OCS)

Online Career Services is an online portal that connects employers interested in hiring AUB graduates with candidates interested in work opportunities.

Online Graduate Admissions (OGA)

Online Portal for students to apply to AUB's graduate programs (Masters and PhD), and for Acadamic staff to submit their approval decisions on these applications.

OSB Academic Recruitment Application

Portal for submission and tracking of academic recruitment applications.


REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. It is mostly used by health and medicine users working on research group case studies.

Student Faculty Transfers

Automation of Inter-faculty student transfer application

Student Online Petitions

Students Online Petition system

Student Self Service Applications

Self service applications for facilitate students life at AUB

Teaching and Learning with Technology

Use this form to request assistance for Academic IT.

The Common App

Common college admission application used by many universities

University Exit Survey

A new university exit survey was implemented on Blue Enterprise Systems and integrated within Clearance system.

Teaching vLabs

Virtual labs for teaching activities