My Recently Visited Services

Troubleshooting and diagnosis of laptop and desktop issues associated with hardware devices / failures.

نافذة إلكترونية تتيح لموظفي الحماية تسجيل البطاقات المنتهية الصلاحية التي تمت مصادرتها

Provide support for end users desktop and devices.

it's a tool that allows AUB students to know if they met their General education requirements

Internal Large File Sharing is available to AUB users

This form is used to request a new report from Advancement IT or Records Teams

Genetec Security Desk is the standard AUB tool used by staff across campus to control access to doors which are secured by card readers

Enterprise Asset Management For Asset Tracking and Maintenance

Banner Mobile

سجل إلكتروني يتيح لموظفي مكتب الحماية تسجيل أسماء زوار مبنى الطالبات الخارجي إعتباراً من الساعة السابعة صباحاً و لغاية الساعة الثانية عشر ليلاً

a type of virtual private network that uses the Secure Socket Layer(SSL) protocol in standard web browsers to provide secure, remote-access VPN capability.

نافذة إلكترونية تتيح لموظفي مكتب الحماية تنظيم و إرسال إفادات مختلفة (سرقة، تلف،...)

Miscellaneous pages for Academic Services

First Line of Support on licensed and enterprise level software packages

Housing Rent Management for eligible faculty and executive-level staff

Hosting Environment for SQL reporting services used by DSU and AUBMC

سجل إحصاء دخول الطلاب بعد الساعة 12 ليلاً إلى حرم الجامعة

Easiest and most productive software environment for engineers and scientists. Available to all AUB students and faculty, with 50 toolboxes

Request support from AUB Admissions

Self service platforms to build online and interactive forms.

Online Portal for students to apply to AUB's graduate programs (Masters and PhD), and for Acadamic staff to submit their approval decisions on these applications.

Automation of Inter-faculty student transfer application